- Outdoors fun
- Community time
- Under the parachute
On this Saturday from 2pm to 4pm, Messy Church takes place in Birtley Community Church. It is packed with activities, fun and food. Children aged 3 to 10 years are welcome if accompanied by an adult. It is mainly designed for people who don’t currently belong to another church. Come and join us! Usually we hold our Messy Church on the first Saturday of the month, although this may change if the first Saturday happens to be a special day (e.g. New Year’s day) in which case we will delay Messy Church by one week for that month.
We spend an hour or so doing various crafts and fun activities, designed to explore a chosen theme. This is followed by a story, an action song, and then a time together to chat and have something to eat (food provided), and … it’s all FREE!
If you want to find out more, see the Messy Church Website or ring our Pauline on 07805 612 139, or just pop in to a meeting one Saturday. You’ll be very welcome!