On one Saturday of every month from 2pm to 4pm, we provide a Messy Church. This is intended for children 3 to 10 years of age who are accompanied by an adult. Messy Church is packed with activities, fun and food. It is mainly designed for people who don’t currently belong to a church, so please, come and join us! Usually this takes place on the first Saturday of the month, although this may change if the first Saturday happens to be a special day (e.g. New Year’s day) in which case we will delay Messy Church by one week for that month.

We start with an hour or so doing a variety of different crafts and fun activities. These have been designed to explore a chosen theme for the day. This is followed by a story, an action song, and then a time together to chat and have something to eat (food is provided each time), and … it’s all FREE!

If you want to find out more, see the Messy Church Website or ring our Pauline on 07805 612 139, or just pop in to a meeting one Saturday. You’ll be very welcome!

Copyright © Birtley Community Church.
Charity No 1133513.